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Good Morning My Spiritual Friends, I have decided to start this blog for people to have a place to go for a weekly dose of spiritual ins...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Base Chakra

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards (click to enlarge)

Dear Spiritual Friends,

Today's post is about your base chakra or root chakra.  For those of you that don't know, it is one of the energy meridians in your body, that sits at the base of your spine.  This energy center governs your feelings about material needs. *"To open your flow of Divine manifestations, imagine yourself inhaling and sending healing light to the base of your spine.  See and feel a huge ball of ruby red light glowing within you."

As the card above says, it's important when you wish for something that you only use positive thinking.  Let's say you need more money... don't put the thought out there that "oh, I'm broke and need more money", instead put a thought out such as "I have abundance and everything I need is taken care of".  Our thoughts become things and that means your negative thoughts or "lack of" thoughts also become things.  If you say you are broke, you will continue to be so.  Anything that you feel that you don't have enough of, put a positively worded thought out there.  Never start with a negative or you will stay in the negative.

Here are some action steps directly from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards Guidebook:

Sit in a quiet location, and bring your mind and body to a calm state.  Breathe in and out deeply while imagining your desired outcome as already being a reality.  For instance, picture yourself being completely financially secure.  As you hold this vision, allow your body to relax and feel as though the vision is already true.  Feel the warmth of gratitude in your heart, the sense of security in your stomach, and the relaxation of all of your muscles as you trust that this vision is manifesting for you right now.

I hope this will help you all get a clear vision of what it is you want in your life and learn how to positively manifest it.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo

* from Angel Therapy Oracle Cards Guidebook by Doreen Virtue

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Emotional Sensitivity

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards (Click to Enlarge)

Dear Spiritual Friends,

I'm sorry it has been a while since my last post.  I am on a sojourn in Rockland, Maine at the moment and have not been keeping up with my Angel Readings! If any of you feel so inclined to help me out with this trip (I had to borrow money so I could get here) here is my Go Fund Me page make a donation.  If you donate $25 or more I will give you a 3-card angel reading and if you donate $45 or more I will do a full 10-card angel reading for you!

Today's post is about "Emotional Sensitivity" or rather, trusting your intuition. I, myself, have problems doing this sometimes.  Often, I will hear my inner voice telling me something and I just don't have enough faith that it is always correct so I do the opposite of what it tells me to do and end up having problems.  I have been trying very hard to work on this and go with my gut feeling all the time.  It's not an easy thing to accomplish, but it is worth trying to improve! I have called upon my angels to help me with trusting that inner voice and it has really been working!  Give it a try.  Next time your inner voice tells you to do something and you are doubting it, do what it's telling you, anyways, and see what happens.  You just might be surprised!

This card is also about steering clear of negative energies and harsh people. Be sure to ask the angels for help with this.  Ask them to guide you towards peaceful people and *"keep all others away from you.  Honor your sensitivity by surrounding yourself with gentleness in your relationships, media choices, home life, and work situation."  It's super important to work on removing toxicity from your lives.  What I mean by that is removing people who provide  you with nothing but drama and/or anger/sadness.  Sometimes it's hard to break free from these relationships, but by nature, we want and deserve peace in our lives, so it is important to realize that and work on it.  You can't help it if a person is negative, but you can choose whether or not to keep them in your life.  It would be a good thing to think about this and start working on ridding your life of negativity.

I have been doing so simply by changing what I watch on TV.  For years I have been hooked on true crime dramas on the ID channel, but now, those shows do not seem to work for me any more. They can be very negative and depressing.  I think my vibration has raised and therefore, the type of information I surround myself with has also changed. Now, I'm not saying you have to make a drastic life change right now, but start weaning yourself off of those things that don't give you a sense of peacefulness, whether it be people you are surrounding yourself with or TV shows, movies, books or whatever.  Just start slowly removing those things from your life and see how you feel.  For me, my spirit feels uplifted and I'm happier inside than I used to be.  Finding inner peace as often as you can, is so rewarding.

Here's an action step you can do that is taken directly from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards Guidebook:

"Live plants are one of the angel's favorite tools for clearing away physical and emotional toxins.  Today, put a live potted plant right next to your bed so that tonight its energy can clear and transmute anything you may have absorbed.  Just as the plant transforms toxic carbon into breathable carbon, it will also transform fear energy, so you'll sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed.  Be sure to take great care of the plant!  (Call upon the fairies for help with this.)"

I have put a little plant next to my bed today to start this process.  Be sure to put on your significant other's side of the bed too (if you have one)! 

Thanks and have a blessed day,
XO ~ Amy Jo

*from the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards Guidebook

Monday, August 1, 2016

Power Animal

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards (click to enlarge)
Dear Spiritual Friends,

Today's message is about your Power Animal.  Each of us have animal spirit guides right along with our angels and other spirit guides.  They may even be a beloved pet that has crossed over; however, we all have one main Power Animal besides our other allies.  Mine happens to be a dolphin.  

If you are wondering how to figure out what yours is, here is the suggestion straight out of the guidebook for the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards:

"Go to a location where there are trees or plants so that nature can help you with your journey to meet your power animal.  Then close your eyes and breathe deeply as you hold the intention of connection with the animal who serves as your spirit guide.  Imagine yourself in a magical forest calling to your power animal, without specifying what type of animal you're expecting.  Let yourself see and know the animal who is your guide, and then ask this spiritual being any question you'd like - especially about your connection to nature and the environment."

You do not have to do this to know your spirit animal... this is just a helpful suggestion.  You can also reach them through standard meditation, which is how I found mine.

If you have pets, you can call upon your spirit animal, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Ariel to heal them when they have ailments.  I do this all the time for my fish.  I have 7 aquariums and whenever one of my fish get sick I call upon Raphael especially, every day, until the animal is better.  I can't tell you how much of a help it is!  They heal up in no time!  When you call upon Archangel Raphael, envision your animal being surrounded and filled with Raphael's emerald green healing light and your pet will start to feel better right away.  You can do this with wild animals that are sick or injured too!  Hope you find this helpful. :)

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Law of Attraction

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards (click to enlarge)
Dear Spiritual Friends,

For the longest time I've been drawn to true crime shows on TV and Dr. Phil, but lately I can't turn on either without shutting them off within a few minutes. I kept wondering what was going on and then I realized I was having a spiritual shift.  No longer were the things I once enjoyed aligning with my personal vibration any more.  I have been drawing more love into my life and these shows are the opposite of love.  Nothing against Dr. Phil... I think he's great and full of love, but the topic of the shows were generally painful.  So, without even realizing it, the Law of Attraction has been working on me!  Like attracts like and since I'm practicing living in love, those shows are no longer conducive to that practice.  So if any of you are experiencing changes in your taste, it is likely the Law of Attraction at play.  Don't worry! It's a good thing!

Another thing about the Law of Attraction is to remember that your thoughts become things, so be sure to only attract the things you want!  Negatives become positives and what I mean by that is when you say something such as "Please don't let this light turn red" when you are in a hurry, inevitably it is going to turn red because you put it out there!  Instead say something like, "This light will turn green" and watch how the Law of Attraction works.  That's just a tiny example.  Think of the bigger picture and how many negatives you've been putting out there!  Change your thoughts, change your life!  

Be very careful what you wish for because you will receive exactly that.  I have a prime example.  In my first husband all I wished for was someone exactly like my brother and well, that's exactly what I got... in every way!  I felt towards him a brotherly love only and stayed married hoping it would change for almost 7 years!  He was a wonderful man, don't get me wrong, but I wished for the wrong thing!  Please take a lesson from my life book and watch how you word your desires.  It's very important!

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Dear Spiritual Friends,

As most of you know from Facebook and I have probably mentioned here somewhere, I am planning a trip to Maine.  I have had fibromyalgia for the last 7 years and have spent most of that time in bed and very sick.  I'm starting to finally feel better and I feel the need to be close to nature so I've decided, for my health, that the best thing to do would be to go to the ocean and walk along it every day for as long as I can.  I booked a trip for 3 weeks and I think it will help my healing journey as well as giving me some time to clear my head and finally get out of this bed!  It's way overdue!  I have been in pain for so long that I honestly do not remember what it feels like to not have pain.  In seven years, I believe I have had one day where I was pain-free or almost pain-free.  I am trying to wean off my pain medications since I am feeling a bit better, but along with that come withdrawals which are brutal, but I feel it will be worth it and better for my body in the end.

I have been struggling in my personal life on many levels and a trip away from everything for a while would just be so helpful to my soul.

The reason I'm telling you this is because I need some help with funding.  I have the place and the flight there paid for, but I still need to pay for the rental car and the flight back so I have set up a GoFundMe account for the duration of my trip to hopefully earn some money to be able to actually make this happen. Any donation would be much appreciated, but if you donate $25 I will do a 3-card Angel reading and if you donate $45 I will do a full 10-card Angel reading and mail you the results of that reading with full color photos of the cards that were pulled along with all of my interpretations.  If there is anyway you could find it in your heart to help me, I would appreciate it more than I can ever put into words and know that you will be helping me on a healing journey.  

Thank you for your time!
Have a blessed day,
XO ~ Amy Jo

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Angel Therapy Oracle Cards (click to enlarge)

Dear Spiritual Friends,

I have written to you previously about letting go and this card is along those same lines, but a little different.  Archangel Michael calls upon you today release whatever no longer serves your purpose.  What is holding you back from your true calling?  Your life's path?  What are those road blocks?  It's time to release them.  "Your higher self is completely aware of your Divine mission and is ready to move forward on that path."  Our human-ego is the thing that gets in the way the most of serving our divine purpose.  Ask Archangel Michael for help clearing out the ego so you can clearly see.

Today, I'm going to give you the action steps right out of the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards Guidebook because I couldn't say it any better myself!  They are:

Take out two or more sheets of paper and a pen [or if desired, your computer and a blank word-processing document].

Breathe deeply and relax your muscles.  Then at the top of the page, write, "Archangel Michael, what do I need to release to be fully on my path and purpose?" Jot down everything that comes to mind, including your thoughts, feelings, visions, or words.  The pen [computer] may even seem to write on its own, which is safe and normal when connected with Michael's loving energy.  Make a note of everything you receive, even if you don't understand its meaning.

Then take the paper (or print out the paper from your computer) and ceremoniously destroy it by burning it, immersing it in water, or burying it while simultaneously declaring: "I now fully release anything that is not for my higher good."

As you can see, it's very similar to the God Box I had you create earlier in my posts.  If you are reading my blog, you are well on the way to releasing old hurts and are much closer to seeing your true path and purpose!

May you have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo

Monday, July 25, 2016

Fall Holistic Fair

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards
Dear Spiritual Friends,

I keep pulling cards that are more personal than public in nature, but here goes.  This card is telling me to attend and give seminars/readings of my own so I will take the advice gladly.  I just recently attended an event at Copper Mountain, Colorado calling Shifting Your Reality.  It was a wonderful experience where I was able to meet some incredible people including the talented artist and author of Manifesting 1, 2, 3... and you don't need 3Ken Elliott, as well as acclaimed psychic-medium Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton, Larry (Angel Therapy Practitioner) and Karin Contier (Licenced Massage Therapist and so much more) of Angelic Healing Crystals, Carol Schmidt & Chad Schmidt on Facebook representing Young Living Essential Oils, Nancy Rynes, Near Death Experience Author, Donovin Sprague, Native American Historian and Author of multiple books, Ed Ruotolo, Gifted Channeler and Speaker, and many wonderful attendees.  Please take some time to look these amazing people up and become their friend.  They are all beautiful, talented, and insightful people with incredible stories to tell. They helped open me up and realize that everything we do in this life should be about love.  That is the key.  

I got a wonderful reading from Lynn while I was there and connected with some loved ones who have crossed over.  The experience was life changing for me.  Even though I am able to connect on my own, to have someone else validate that for me, was incredible.  Just to know that what I have been feeling and sensing and hearing is correct, is so freeing.  In the future, I hope to be giving these type of readings myself, but for now, I will stick to my angel readings until I am a bit more comfortable.  With time, it will come.

For now, I would like to let you all know that locally I will be registering to give Angel Readings at the next Holistic Fair at the Ranch in Loveland, CO, September 17th and 18th.  I haven't officially signed up yet, but will do so by the end of this month so you can count on seeing me there for my first public event!  Please come out and support me!  It would mean the world to me and you will receive an insightful reading that will give you guidance in all the areas you are needing guidance (love, life path, career, travel, moving, etc.).  I will be doing 1 card readings, 3 card readings, and full 10 card readings as well as possible past life readings if the situation warrants.  I will be using all of the different decks you see here on the side of my blog page as well as my pendulums for yes and no questions.  Hope to see you there!

In Light and Love,
Amy Jo

Saturday, July 23, 2016

If You Get Nervous, Focus on Service

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards (click to enlarge)
Dear Spiritual Friends,

I hope this post finds you well today.  The question I asked before drawing this card today was, "How can I be of better service to the Earth/humanity?  How can I best help people today."  I guess I got my answer, didn't I? :0)  Focus on service!  The best way I can serve humanity is by doing these angel readings for you!  So please, if you have any questions that you would like answered, give me a shout.  Leave a question in the comment section below and I will draw a card for you and answer to the best of my ability with the help of your spirit guides and our angels.  

I am also doing full 10 card readings for $40 and 3 card readings for $25 if you are interested.  I am doing a GoFundMe campaign to try to raise money for a spiritual respite that I desperately need to get my family and my life back on track and in exchange for donations, I will be giving angel readings.

If you are wondering how to give back, this would be a great start, but there are so many other things you can do too.  Do what speaks to your heart.  Pray or meditate on it.  Something will come to you, but make sure whatever it is brings you joy because when we serve in joy and in love, the service is received that much stronger.  You can volunteer to help the elderly, the homeless, work with animals or the environment... the possibilities are endless, just do what makes your heart sing and the reward you will get back will be better than you can imagine.  Our purpose here is to be happy and to BE LOVE.  We all have it within us and we all have that innate desire to do something that makes us feel good inside, so why not do something that will also help out our fellow mankind, animal kingdom or our planet, upon which we are so blessed to be living?  Even something as simple as picking up some trash on the side of the road is a service of love and is a way of paying back or paying it forward, whichever way you choose to look at it.  Do a little service to the world every day and I guarantee you will find more joy in your days.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Powerful Lightworker

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

This card has come to me twice when I have asked Archangel Michael for guidance on what to post.  I thought, "how can this be?" This card is so personal and is clearly meant for me, not the masses, but as usual, the angels are always right.  This card is to give you comfort to show you that the readings I do here come directly from the angels.  What happens is, I essentially channel the messages from them.  Meaning, I write the post and then I have what is commonly referred to as psychic amnesia, where I have no recollection of what I have posted the next day.  I review it, and I don't even remember writing it, which means these messages are coming from a higher power... the Divine.  I have been channelling for a while, I just haven't fully come into the realization until I started this blog.  Hopefully that will put your hearts at ease to know that I am not just pulling my info out of the air.  

I am going to give you the blurb inside the Angel Oracle Therapy Book that goes along with this card so you will see what I know:

This card comes to you because the angels want you to feel comfortable with your spiritual power.  You are extremely powerful because you (like everyone else) were made in the image and likeness of your powerful Creator.  Divine power flows through you when you hold the intention to conduct a healing or give a reading.

It is safe for you to feel and channel this power, as it is not a personal or ego-driven force.   When you intend to use Divine power in the service of love, you experience harmony in all of your activities.  The more comfortable you are with your spiritual power, the more steadily and evenly it flows through you.

So I hope this comes as some validation to some of you who may be doubting or wondering where I get my information from.  It comes directly from the Divine and I am here only as a messenger with the best intentions of love and light.  Normally I wouldn't share such a personal reading, but the angels have been pestering me with this card, so I must do as they say.  I have also had two separate psychic readings by very gifted mediums who have also verified that this is the correct path for me, so readers, read on and feel safe as it is with love I give these messages and I wish nothing but the best for you all.

In love and light,
Amy Jo

Monday, July 18, 2016

Heal Away Addictions

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards
Dear Spiritual Friends,

This card couldn't have come at a better time.  I have been touched by friends dealing with addictions left and right lately.  It seems they are coming out of the woodwork, getting in contact with me so I am so glad this is the card the angels sent me today.  This is for you, my dear friends who are struggling.  As the card says above, call upon Archangel Raphael for help with your afflictions.  He is the healer.  He will be there to guide and support you through those tough times.  He will help you when it seems like all hope is lost.  He will help you get off of whatever is affecting you and he will help you with whatever withdrawals you may have.  

Please don't feel alone.  Because of my illness, which many of you may know, I have fibromyalgia and have had it severely for the past 7 years or so,  I too have become dependant on opiates and it is a tough battle to be sure!  I call upon Raphael daily for strength and guidance, but I also know that I can't be too hard on myself.  It's a process.  It's not a magical overnight fix.  It's a tough battle that you (and I) can win!  I will be here for you if you need to talk, any time, day or night.  I know what it's like.  I have close family members struggling with addictions of their own and I struggle right along with them because it hurts to see them suffer, but I also see the strength in everybody.  We each have it!  It's within us, we just have to get a little clarity and look within and realize that life is worth living without numbing ourselves to it.  We need to experience life.  That is what we're here for!  We need love in our life and if you're not experiencing that from others, make it happen for yourself!  It needs to start with you.  Find that strength within and that courage that I know you have.  You are worth it.  If you don't think you are, know that at least one person out there loves you enough... I do... your Creator does... the Universe does.  Reach out and the help you seek will be there.

All substances truly do is block us from our purpose.  They prolong our true destiny.  What are we here for?  Surely we weren't put here to waste our lives away by being high or drunk all the time and ignoring the gifts we each possess.  Think about what truly makes you happy and do it!  Get started.  Put one foot in front of the other.  No one expects you to be perfect.  It's not an easy path, but you must take that first step.  Please do it for yourself.  

Here is an exercise to help you on your path from the guide book with the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards:

Go to a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and say silently or aloud...

"Archangel Raphael, I call upon you now."

Think of what you would like to release (it could include bad behaviour patterns, compulsive behaviours, toxic relationshionships, destructive patterns, and unhealthy cravings).  Imagine these addictions or a symbol of them sitting on your lap or upper legs.  You might see or feel the addictions and you may also sense how they are attached to your stomach area with tangled cords, webs, and roots.

Breathe deeply while saying:

"Archangel Raphael, I'm now ready to release these former addictions to you and Heaven.  Please cut the roots, cords, and webs attached to these addictions; and lift them to the light for transformation and healing."

After Raphael carts away the addictions, he'll fill you with his emerald green healing light to nurture, soothe, and fulfil you.  You'll notice a drastic reduction in addictive cravings.  Repeat this process if needed until addiction is completely cleared.

I hope you will do this, dear friends, and when you do, please make sure your intent is strong and your heart is in it.  Let me know how it goes.

May peace be with you today.
XO ~ Amy Jo

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Let Go... Let God

Letting Go....

I'm attending a wonderful conference in the beautiful town of Copper Mountain and the subject was brought up of letting go.  I thought I'd share with you something that has helped me in the past when I'm stuck with a situation that I just can't seem to get a grip on.  I created what's called a God Box or some people call it a God Jar... whatever you want to call it, just find a pretty container and put whatever your problematic situation is down on paper and put it in your God Box.  Give it to God.  Let it go.  Release it.  Know that it will be handled in due time and with great care.   Everything I've ever put in my God Box has been since released and taken care of for me because I have set my intention as such.  After a couple of weeks take out the papers in your God Box and burn them as they will no longer be necessary.  If you get a chance send me a picture of your God Boxes and I'll post one of mine on here when I get back home.

Have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo

Friday, July 15, 2016

Third-Eye Chakra

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards
Good Morning Spiritual Friends,

Today we will focus on our third-eye chakra, otherwise known as our sixth sense located in the middle of our forehead between our two visible eyes and slightly above... that place (other than our gut) where our intuition lies.  It would be a great day for meditation so be sure to take some time out of your busy schedule to do some meditation today.  You may be amazed at how heightened your awareness is today!  Pay attention to those little things.  There is no such thing as a coincidence.  Like when your friend calls you after you've been thinking about her all day, this is the angels propelling you forward.  Or when a song you've been thinking about comes on the radio all of a sudden, it could be a message from a loved one.  Pay attention to the words!  Know that you are loved and are surrounded today by your guardian angels and the spirits who guide you every day.  Just be more aware of them and be grateful that they are there to guide you through all this life's twists and turns.   Pay attention to number patterns today and any other signs you may notice.  The angels are guiding you and are helping to expand your psychic awareness.  Ask them for help in how to interpret these signs and any visions you may have.

Have a blessed day.

XO ~ Amy Jo

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Past Life Issue

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

Dear Spiritual Friends,

Today you may be suffering from an issue that you just can't wrap your mind around.  Perhaps it is something that seems to be recurring, such as a pattern in your life and you are wondering "why does this keep happening to me"?  It is likely a past-life issue.  Release it.   Let it go.  "Ask your angels to help you remember, release, learn, and heal from your past experiences."  Sometimes we are bound by sacred contracts to others and when we are experiencing a lot of pain surrounded by a connection to a person, it is time to let that soul contract go.  To do this, get a piece of flash paper (if you have one), if not any paper that will burn well will do, write out the person's name and state on the paper that you would like to release yourself from your soul contract with this person.  Explain the feelings associated with this connection and then sign your name at the bottom.  Burn the paper completely and release it.  Then, when you are ready, forgive yourself for the situation. 

Another method of release is to cut the ethereal cords that are binding you and this other person.  This is not for the faint of heart.  It may not work as well as it would with a spiritual practitioner, but I don't think it can hurt to try. Imagine the person you would like to be detached from and think of their heart chakra.  Likely there is a cord attached from your heart chakra to their heart chakra.  By cutting this cord in your mind and releasing it back to that other person with love, you will release some of that stress or tension, whatever it may be back to them without harming them or yourself.  So just take a moment to think of somebody who you are overly attached to or who is causing you some grief and do a quick cutting of the cords.  Hopefully you will feel much better after doing this.  Let me know if it works for you or if you would rather, leave your first name and the name of the person you would like to be detached from in the comments and I will do this for you.  Please note, this does not end your physical relationship and if you are still wanting to be friends or whatever with this person, it may even make your relationship stronger.

Have a blessed day!
XO ~ Amy Jo


Rainbow Aura

Jessica Sophia Pacheco
A rainbow aura flowing powerfully into her weakened body for regeneration.

"Life throws challenges and every challenge comes with rainbows and lights to conquer it." - Amit Ray
"I think that it's time that the world does away with the vision of the enlightened Guru. To see a teacher as greater than yourself and to believe that he or she exists in the state of enlightened Bliss, unaffected by the world, only works against you because it separates you from your own divinity. Spirituality is less accessible to those who don't see their spiritual teachers as people just like them." - Teal Swan

I think there is a great lesson in this.  Too often people are looking for a guru...someone to do all the work for them.  Someone that they can bask in the light of instead of doing the actual work for themselves.  It takes many self-help books, time, meditation, and hard work to become "enlightened" or somewhere near it.  We have to put in the effort and stop hoping that we will find someone that by just being near them, we will be saved.  Everybody has this capability within themselves.  You just have to dig a little deeper and set aside that darn human ego and look for the love and the light within, which is hard to do sometimes.  It's much easier to go and listen to someone else speak about what it is to live in the light of God or the love of God and we all want it, but we think it's so much effort to get there within ourselves, when really, it's not.  We just have to do a little soul-searching and allow us the time each day to sit with ourselves and be still to cultivate that little seed of self-love.  Easier said than done, right?  Just try 10 to 15 minutes a day of sitting in a quiet space and practice on your breathing if nothing else.  Quiet your mind. It is within these moments that your soul connects and shows you that you are worth it.  You deserve it.  Whatever "it" may be.  Set an alarm every day (my best time is at sunrise) to sit and bask in the gloriousness that is life and then move on with your day.  Little by little, you will start to feel better.  More joyful, more peaceful and more relaxed.  Then, when you are able to, work your way up to an hour a day of deep relaxing meditation.  This is when you will really get to know your soul.  That beautiful part of you that gets buried in the busyness of the day and craves and deserves that attention from you to be loved and nurtured.  Believe me, I didn't nurture my soul and so far it has gotten me seven years of a debilitating illness with no known cause or cure, just lots of horrific physical pain.  I find, the more I am able to reach my soul, the more I am able to self-love, the less pain I have.  I am just learning how to do this myself, so we will work together!  Please let me know your struggles, your advice, and any thoughts you have on the subject.  Remember to look to the inside, not the outside, for inner peace.

XO ~ Amy Jo
Have a blessed day!


Good Morning My Spiritual Friends,

I have decided to start this blog for people to have a place to go for a weekly dose of spiritual insight to some questions or problems they may be having.  I will be using some wonderful Angel Tarot, Ascended Masters Oracle, and Goddess Oracle decks among others for assistance with your questions and to give gentle guidance to those who would like it. *DISCLAIMER:  Mind you, this site is not affiliated or sponsored by any program, religious affiliation, and is not meant for legal advice.  It is only meant for spiritual guidance as you see fit.  I use decks of cards created by many different authors including Doreen Virture, Radleigh Valentine, Steven D. Farmer, James Van Praag and others, but am not affiliated with any of these people nor am I a certified Angel Therapist.  I am a clairvoyant, sometimes clairaudient, clairsentient empath and psychic medium in the process of writing my first book.  With this blog, I intend to use the stories I receive here in my book so if you wish to opt out of being included, please state so in your comment.  I will never use last names in my book and will change first names as requested.  I am strictly here to help for those who wish it because I have often needed a place to turn, only to look around and not find what I'm looking for.  I am happy to do simple 1 to 3 card readings for free, but full 10 card readings are more involved and will be charged a small fee and can be discussed in private, just leave me a message.  I will soon be posting pictures of the decks I use on this site.  I don't always need the decks to give advice as I can often determine things based on my intuition, spirit guides, Angels, Higher Self and your spirit guides and Higher Self.  Again, this advice is to be taken as just that...ADVICE, not LEGAL or MEDICAL EXPERTISE and therefore I am to be held harmless.  Thank you for joining me on this new and exciting journey.